Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Catching up on Some Gaming

I have really been meaning to get going with this blog more frequently.  My goal now is to have at least one article per day Monday through Friday.  Now this doesn't mean I won’t post more if the moment is right (I.E. Reviews, breaking news, and random musings).  So to begin I thought I would do a quick recap of my current gaming situation, which in a very short period of time I have actually acquired quite a backlog.  Thanks to a re-acquisition of a PS3, and the always amazing PS Plus I have quite a few games in the pipeline.  I have recently platinum’d NCAA 10 and NCAA 12 bringing my platinum total to 6.  My goal right now is to clean up some games I know I can get a platinum since I have become a PlayStation only gamer at the moment.
Currently I am working on getting a platinum in PES 2014, which was May’s free game as part of Plus.  The game is okay, and the platinum is easy, but it takes a lot of time and patience.  Both of those things are getting harder to find as my gaming collection grows and the want to move on grows larger.  Other games I want to get to in order to clean up include the entire Uncharted series, L.A. Noire, Heavy Rain, Minecraft, NCAA 11, NCAA 13, and the Arkham Series.  Besides that, I also was able to pick up MLB the Show 14, Watch Dogs, and Wolfenstein all for my PS4 who I can only assume has gotten lonely from my rediscovered love of the PS3.   I definitely want to try and platinum Wolfenstein, and possibly Watch Dogs with a chance for The Show as well.  All in all I hope that I can get my platinum number up to at least 15 and possibly even 20.  Of course my trophy level has been on 12 for quite a while, I have never really understood that part, but I am going to do whatever I can to get that up even more.

I look forward to what E3 is going to bring on Monday, and wonder if any of the predictions I made as far as Sony’s first party developers come true or not.  With the PS4 doing as well as it has been doing, it is only a matter of time until some really big exclusives come to light.  This is an exciting time to be a Sony gamer, and an especially exciting time to be coming back to the Sony family like I have.  So much to do and play that I have no idea how I will be able to fit it in.  Check back every day at 11 A.M. Est for a new article, and feel free to comment or contact me with any questions or discussion.

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